Belle’s Aboard!

For the 2022 season, please welcome aboard Belle, our newest crew member. Belle hails from Covered Bridge Labrador Retrievers of Stowe, Vermont. Born on January 8, Belle is now 5 months old and having mastered house training and our steep stairs, is ready to gain her sea legs.

Belle may well be ready. We are not. Our scheduled launch has been postponed. Every project is taking forever and I keep finding new ones. Recommissioning has fallen victim to “puppy amnesia”. When puppy amnesia strikes, all memory of raising a new dog is wiped clean from your mind. Time is no longer yours. Sleep deprivation, a common symptom, combined with the typically bad New England spring weather has sapped the last bit of motivation to prepare Krisanngria.

Nevertheless, Krisanngria will sail once more, now with a black lab as vice-admiral. If we can keep her on deck and out of the drink, Belle will be our salty sea-dog for many years to come. I must be crazy…

Follow along for more tales with Belle!